Islands & Coastal
Research Lab
Energy, Environment, Resources
Islands Nations, Artificial Islands, Coastal Cities
About Us

The UCL Islands & Coastal Research Lab (ICR) works with academics, governments, local authorities, and industry globally to provide critical insights into the development of strategies for island nations and coastal areas to respond to the challenges of climate change and transition to a green-blue economy.
Researchers from different disciplines (engineering, computer science, mathematics, economics, environmental law, architecture, anthropology) merge their powers to deliver cutting-edge research regarding technology, data, business models, and policies. Our expertise focuses on three key areas:
(i) Energy and Climate Change (renewable energy systems, low carbon technologies and infrastructure, interconnected islands, and interconnections with the mainland);
(ii) Environment and Resource use (trade-offs between energy, water, land, food, and materials);
(iii) Industry and economy (land-sea interaction, finance and business models, regulations).