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Upcoming event at the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2021: "Governance of disasters risk reduction and resilience to boost the Sustainable Development Goals"

6 Jul 2021

The Re-Energize DR3 team is pleased to invite you to their upcoming event at the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2021: “Governance of disasters risk reduction and resilience to boost the Sustainable Development Goals.”

The event will be held virtually July 6, 2021 from 18:00-19:30 EDT and discuss the multi-faceted complexities in advancing disaster risk reduction and resilience, as well as some of the approaches currently being utilized, particularly regarding new practices in stakeholder engagement. We will focus on advancement on SDG 13 and SDG 17, which, respectively, aim to “strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries” and review governance approaches to disaster risk reduction and resilience in developed and developing countries. Covered topics will include:
Stakeholder identification and engagement processes
Defining vulnerable stakeholders
Machine-based solutions to identifying and incorporating most vulnerable stakeholders
Strengths and weaknesses of multi-level governance approaches with respect to vulnerable stakeholder groups’ incorporation

Speakers will include members of our teams at University College London, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Mauritius, and University of Ghana currently researching these topics. The event will be moderated by Monica Boham, Minister Counsellor Government of Ghana and include expert respondent Zafar Adeel, former Director of United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health.
We are excited to share our work on this critical topic and hope you will join the discourse with us!


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Islands & Coastal Research (ICR) Laboratory is formed of multidisciplinary researchers coming from different backgrounds (economics, mathematics, engineering, computer science, architecture, social science, anthropology, biology)

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