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Charles Nouhan

International Advisory Board

Belmont Re-Energize DR3 Project

Charles Nouhan is Chairman of Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future and its Representative to the United Nations in New York. Focusing on international relations within the NGO and inter-governmental sustainable development sector, including renewable energy technologies and sustainable waste and resources management, their work supports the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs to deliver the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs. Recent efforts include the Global Forum for National SDG Advisory Bodies founded by SF, the German Council for Sustainable Development, the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development, and UNDESA. The Global Forum aims to strengthen the capacity of its members to be better positioned to support their governments in achieving the 2030 Agenda.
Charles also leads the Global Partnership for Ocean Wave Energy Technology, a new multi-stakeholder partnership to develop and deploy a zero-emissions technology capable of utility-level electrical power generation from ocean waves.

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Islands & Coastal Research (ICR) Laboratory is formed of multidisciplinary researchers coming from different backgrounds (economics, mathematics, engineering, computer science, architecture, social science, anthropology, biology)

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