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Mercy J. Borbor Cordova

International Advisory Board

Belmont Re-Energize DR3 Project

Mercy J. Borbor Cordova, Ph.D. is Coordinadora de Investigación Facultad de Ingeniería Marítima y Ciencias del Mar FIMCM Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). She is a Former Vice Minister of the Environment, Province Director of Risk Management and Chief of Environmental Control of the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Expert in Environmental Sciences and Climate Change and Health, with experience in public administration and development of policies in environment and climate; participation in negotiation processes at the COPs on climate change. Selected as Lead Author for the Assessment Report 6 (AR6) in the Mitigation Working Group, Chapter 13 of institutions and subnationals (2018-2022) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Ecuadorian expert in the Human Resources Development (HRD), Team within the Climatology Commission at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). AMERIGEO member in the working group of Capacity Building

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Islands & Coastal Research (ICR) Laboratory is formed of multidisciplinary researchers coming from different backgrounds (economics, mathematics, engineering, computer science, architecture, social science, anthropology, biology)

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