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Circular Economy for Sustainable Islands Webinar

5 Jun 2020


14:00 - 15:00

UCL Islands Laboratory participated in London’s Circular Economy Week (#CEWeekLDN2020) event held on 1-5 June to build momentum and share knowledge about how the circular economy can help tackle the climate emergency.

International coordination and collaboration, regulations and policies, are key for building a circular economy for sustainable islands. Whether we’re trying to reduce food waste, marine pollution, sloppy waste management, the golden link is the global collaboration and the circular economy to promote the transition in infrastructure and lifestyles in islands, but also a strong base to cross-cut through various SDGs. This is an opportunity for a knowledge sharing between islands to understand the role that circular economy will play in achieving SDGs and what islands have been doing to accelerate circular economy. We will also present Circular Islands Maturity Index (CMI), a framework and calculation tool developed by UCL Islands Laboratory to determine how ready an island is to move to a circular economy. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear about latest research and from islands experts


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